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About me

You are visiting the personal homepage of Joachim Bauch, a Software Architect living in Stuttgart, Germany.

As you might have noticed, most of my programs nowadays are written in Python, but also in C, C++, Delphi and Java.

When I’m not coding the fancy stuff you find on this page or in my repository, I’m reading books, do some cooking, go to the movies, ride my bike or listen to music / visit concerts (mostly rock, metal, alternative and stuff like that).

I always like getting mails (i.e. no spam), so don’t hesitate to write me at or leave a comment here. If you use the stuff I publish on my site and want to support me, feel free to send something from my Amazon Wunschzettel (german) or wishlist (english) ;).

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 8 Comments

8 Comments to About me

  • sat says:

    Hi, are you ‘hostile’, or have i grabed a wrong person?

  • goco says:

    i’ve read your program about “load a DLL from memory”,it useful to me ,thanks

  • Robert says:

    Hello joachim,

    finally I found a AES capable ZIP library for python 😉
    I compiled it on MSVC2007 without trouble. really nice…

    But I did not find any functionality to create ZIP files (only to read them), although the documentation (and your website) suggested the opposite?!?


  • Rajbhushan Kharbanda says:

    Is it possible to load a resource only dll (containing html, encrypted data and scripts, images) from memory? If yes, and if you have time, could you show me how (Delphi please).

    I am aware of res protocol, but did not understand how to pass the memory stream of a decrypted script/data to the html page.


  • Jeff Y says:

    It seems many Red5 references link back to your blog, but you must have archived them. All I see is page not found. Can you make your Red5 pages available?



  • viv says:

    hey Joachim i was wondering if you were gonn add support for exes in the future versions of your dll loader

  • babydream says:

    your idea about the load dll in momery is very interesting,also it can work compatible with dll,but not so good with exe,i konw it not so easy to execute a .exe from memory buffer,ie tls?hook and imagebase relaction confuse me the most,writeprocess sincerely work well,but is there a way like loading dll from memory to execute a .exe file?

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